Replacement Tomatoes – Is It Safe Now

Replacement Tomatoes

Is it safe now to set out your tenders – especially tomatoes? Just when you think it is safe, a cold snap will wipe you out. This last Tuesday morning brought us just that throughout most of northeastern Oklahoma, with early-morning lows in the high twenties.

If you got zapped in the wee hours of last Tuesday, we still have plenty of beautiful tomato plants for sale. The old timers would always wait till after Easter to set out their tender vegetable starts. That doesn’t always work out as Easter floats on the calendar in a 30-day range, but with Easter falling about as late as it can I think it’s safe to set tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant out.

We have all of those in a wide variety, so give us a call to schedule a time to come visit. We would love to see you, and help you with your replacement tomatoes.

What to Do?

Past weather records do indicate hard frosts as late as the first of May, which would spell disaster to your tender vegetables. The lesson here is that life gives no guarantees (except that it will be dry as a bone, and as hot as blue blazes in August.) So as you set those replacement tomatoes in it is always a good idea to keep a few used one-gallon nursery pots or large coffee cans/produce cans around to cover your tender plants on those cold nights. Five-gallon buckets work great too. Just remember to uncover them the next morning.

p.s.: No pictures with this post. How exciting does a tomato plant look, anyway? What excites me is to see those red globes of juiciness all over a tomato vine. Come by and get your replacement tomatoes today! Happy gardening to all.

Replacement Tomatoes
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