Okra Is Ready for the Masses!

Okra Is Ready for the Masses!Okra is ready for the masses! Despite a very cool spring, a nasty hail storm in early May, and an overly windy June, we now have tons of Okra ready for sale. We are now picking daily, so get in line for yours today.

There’s nothing fancy here. These are just good old fashioned Clemson Spineless (Ha!) pods.

We like to pick them small so that you get the best product, suitable for anything your little heart should yearn for. We love ours fried, steamed, and pickled. How about You?

We still have a good flow of Zucchini and yellow squash flowing in, as well as tons of Cucumbers. Don’t wait. They won’t last forever. There are also surprises coming down the pike, so stay tuned.