We Still Have Corn: July 2018

We Still Have Corn: July 2018

When we sow our corn in the spring we divide the planting into weekly increments, planting a block each week beginning about the first of April and continuing until about the first of May. That stretches out our corn crop the entire month of July. Actually, this year we began harvesting sweet corn the last week of June. It has been very unnatural weather this year; some of it very good for the crops, some not so much.

All of that is to say we still have tons of sweet corn here at High-Fence Farm. We will have some of the finest corn in the state for the next two weeks, probably three. We will not pick your corn until you show up, so we are waiting on YOU. Fresh picked sweet corn–not shipped in from Kansas–is just $4.00 per dozen or 50 ears for $15.00 (plus county/state sales tax).

Here is how much corn we have left.
Here’s how much corn has already been picked, removed and replanted in pumpkin and winter squash.
My daughter sneaking a picture of me taking pictures of our corn patch.


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